Anatomy of a Recession Market Outlook Video

U.S. Recession Likelihood in 2023

Tune in to an interview featuring Jeff Schulze, Head of Economic and Market Strategy at ClearBridge Investments, as he discusses the likelihood of a recession in the U.S., details factors contributing to inflation, and outlines the implications of these developments for investors.

To understand the likelihood of a recession in the U.S., Jeff developed the ClearBridge Investments Recession Risk Dashboard and Anatomy of a Recession (AOR) program. This proprietary risk dashboard is designed to track shifts in the U.S. economy that could signal increased recession risk. These tools will help you stay informed on economic and market developments and guide you in making portfolio allocation decisions.

Learn More and View the Recession Risk Dashboard Here

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The ClearBridge Recession Risk Dashboard improved to an overall green signal this month with three underlying indicator improvements, supporting our view of continued economic normalisation.

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